

The ie is a traditional Japanese family system that was produced during the rural society. Its power is decreasing and facing the danger of disappearing. The ie was protected by central power before and the ie usually cannot feed itself with its land. The head of the ie usually finds himself a job and leaves the land to other members or empty.  However, some modern companies reuse the idea of ie system. The managers in the company are treated as upper family members and the system runs to help staff build the royal for the company as a whole. Commonerization is the opposite of democratization among the samurai class and samuraization is the democracy of commoners. The rice is related to commonerization by being the staple grain and a major food in Japanese culture. However, since the main area of Japan is mountain area, the rise growing places are limited. Hida is a place that the residents there are almost isolated from the outer world. Tsuchi is a novel about the house owner and tenant problem and their reflection to the centralization power. Nihonjinron is dangerous because the culture itself is still undergrowing.

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